1. 02. English Fiction Percy Jackson and the Olympians #3: The Titan's curse / by Riordan, Rick. Publication: New York, N.Y. : Hyperion Books for Children, 2007 . 312 p. ; , Independent Reading | GRL: W | Miramax 22 cm. Date:2007 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
2. 02. English Fiction The last Olympian / by Riordan, Rick Publication: New York : Hyperion Books, 2009 . 381 p. Date:2009 Availability: Copies available: (2), Actions:
3. 02. English Fiction Percy Jacksond and the Olympians: Senior Adventure Series: #1 The Chalice of the Gods by Riordan, Rick, Publication: . pages cm. Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions: